Tuesday, March 6, 2012

From Bubba to Toto

Just a little story delivered to me via my friend Sondra.

For those of you who don't live in one of the cities that connects directly to Oz, tornados are something you think about when the images are plastered all over the evening news. For those of us who live through those images, they are a terrifying fact of life.

I have been blessed to have been consistently passed by, other than one small piece of siding which I am sure is being used by the tin man to patch up his house. But for so many it has meant the loss of loved ones, companions, everything they own, literally the roof over their heads. The grief is indescribable and beyond my ability to understand or belittle by trying to discuss.

But in this, we search for the happy endings. The little stories that give us hope. Please don't take this story as in anyway diminishing the loss of so many.

The image above was of the tornado that went through Athens, AL. This is where my niece lives with her husband and the two tow headed girlieques. They were fine and untouched, although many were not so lucky.

My friend, Sondra, posted this image after the tornado went through.

This was a kennel that was hit. She let me know that all but one dog had been found and moved to another kennel. As sad as losing one pup was, the fact that only one was lost was pretty amazing.

Today, behold Bubba. Officially renamed Toto by one of Sondra's friends. A broken jaw, that will mend, and a few missing teeth, which he can survive without, and a new convert to Dorothy's belief that "there's no place like home".

Welcome home Toto.

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