Sunday, October 23, 2011

Artsy Fartsy

This weekend was all about arts and crafts. And for those of you you have complimented my abilities, the reality of this weekend will put at end to that. I'm not going to go into detail about Friday night when a few pictures will say it all. Amy G and I went to Sips-n-Strokes for my first FREE painting.

Our painting was called Funky Dogs and was supposed to look like this

Mine, however, turned out like this

Enough said about that.

So Saturday I found myself really missing my Girlieques. I have four of them. These two belong to my nephew and live in Greenwood, MS. I miss them desperately, and they are growing up so fast! But Greenwood is a little far for a one day trip.

But luckily, I have two more beautiful Girlieques who live an hour and a half up the road. Beautiful and flamboyant.

When I arrived, the main activity was ... you guessed it ... painting.  Does that look fun, or what? The blonde on the right. painting the heart and doing her very best Marilyn Monroe impersonation, is the fabulous Lizzy Grace. The fairy cat on the left is the magical CarOliiiiine.

Armed with paper, paint and brushes, I set out to try to paint special requests. A few flower, puppies and kitties later, we had accumulated quite a collection and it was time for bed.

Sunday morning, after a few intense games of Mario Kart, and some serious dog petting, we settled in for round two, which involved My Little Pony coloring books and colors - or crayons - whatever you grew up calling them.
 I think I could learn to enjoy this arts and crafts stuff.


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