Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Let's Hear It For the Boys!

So this weekend Cruz finally arrived. Yeah, I know I already posted about this, but I really just wanted to show you his picture again. Isn't that just the most beautiful face?

Mom was gonna be in the hospital for a few days after delivery, so Dad and Cruz camped out in the room with her. I'm sure you notice a theme in these two pictures. Let the brainwashing begin.

So Tia Katie stepped in to take care of Stella while Mom and Dad and Cruz were on vacation. Those are Dad's words, not mine and certainly not Mom's. (Aren't these two pretty girls?)

And I took care of Jake.  I borrowed this picture from his mom. Check out that smile! You just gotta love a pit.

Jake spent the weekend with me and the boys. They were overjoyed to know he was coming. The black poodle is Sam. That is his overjoyed face,

Sam came to live with Roscoe and I almost four years ago. It's hard to believe that it has been that long. It's also hard to believe that there was ever a time when he wasn't part of the family.

When Sam was five, his first family decided that he wasn't a good fit anymore. He had bitten a few folks and was generally a little on the ornery side. His story on coming here is a pretty good one, but for another time. Suffice it to say that he is here and happy and pretty much the best behaved dog I have ever had.

The little white one ... that is Roscoe. (Also know as Scooter by Jake's mom. I have no idea why.) Roscoe has been with me since he was eight weeks old. Roscoe is three years younger than Sam, only has two teeth left, and is trouble from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail.

This weekend at Creekstone was all about me and boys. The days were pretty, so there was a lot of barking at ... I'm not sure what. But there was a lot of it! We walked and visited neighbors.
We took lots of great naps.

And played dress up!

I'm pretty sure they are never going to forgive me for this. But seriously, how cute are they??

I wish that folks who are afraid of pit bulls could spend time with Jake. He is a sweet, submissive loving dog who is afraid of anything unexpected. He is a goofball who will submit to a little white dog with no teeth. He is gentle and loving and happy and everything you would want in a dog. And after a long weekend with me ... he is a little fatter. Sorry Katie!

Miss you, Jake....


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