Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sippin' and Strokin'

As I said, I am not an artistic person. Can't sing, can't dance, can't draw. But like so many of "my kind" I'm obsessed with all of those things. American Idol, The Voice, X-Factor .... yep, I watch them all. So You Think You Can Dance... I even went to see them on tour. Art museums ... some of my favorite places. Musical theater ... I will go anytime.  So when a business called Sips-n-Strokes advertised that I could combine my love of drinking wine with my desire to be artistic, and bring home something that I had created, I was skeptical yet hopeful.

The concept is great. You BYOB and pay $25-$30. They provide the canvas, the paint, the brushes and a fun teacher who takes the whole class, step-by-step, through the process of painting. Each month they put out a new calendar with a different painting every day.

Over the last few years, I've been several times.

Yeah, those are in my garage.

Believe it or not, some people actually wanted a few of them. And a few even made it into my house.

And honestly, there are a couple that I just can't find. Crazy, huh?

Anyway, last night my friend Amy arranged to take several of us to paint an angel. (Cool friend, huh?)  So six of us descended on the studio for a night with Wendy LoVoy. The class was packed, as is often the case when Wendy is the teacher. Amy brought wine in all colors and lots of cheeses and crackers. By the time the class started, we were well into our first glass (I might have been on my second) and were raring to go.

I did that! I think it will make it into the house along with the angel I painted last month.

Can you tell we had fun?

Don't you love the image of the nekkid lady behind us?

As an added perk, Wendy had a surprise give-away for the evening. Now, I have won things before. I won two free burgers and a baseball cap from Hamburger Heaven once. I think that's it. So, I kind of never get my hopes up too much when it comes to winning things. But last night was really my night. I won unlimited free classes for a year!!! A YEAR!!!! 

So ... be prepared. There are sure to be more paintings to come. Sorry.


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