Sunday, October 30, 2011

Gettin' Nekkid - Doggy haircuts

I love my dogs. If you have met me, you know that. You don't have to know me well, just say hello and I will start telling you about them.  As my friends will attest (yes, I'm talking about you, Terry and JB), I talk about them incessantly.

Personally, I think they are adorable. I also love that they don't shed. But there is a disadvantage to no shedding. If it doesn't shed, it grows and grows and grows. That leaves you a few options. Do nothing and let it mat into a disgusting mess (not a real option), comb and brush and groom every day (yeah, I'm not really up for that either), or whack it all off every month or so.

Most people who have a maltese or poodle like to keep them in specific cuts. There are at least six haircuts that are specified for poodles. I, on the other hand, have no patience for any of them. I prefer to just shave them nekkid.

Until a few months ago, I took them to the groomer regularly. She knew that I liked them really short and they always came out looking quite handsome. But two dogs at the groomer adds up to about $80 a visit. So one day I said to myself, "Self, you can buy some nice clippers for that amount of money and then save that $80 a visit."

So I went on a search for  "good" clippers. I had no idea there were so many options. Finally, I settled on these and put in my order.  They have them in pink too for $25 more, but I thought that was frivolous.

Wahl Arco SE

I have to say that my respect for groomers increased substantially each time that I picked these clippers up. I am sure that if I had four hands, or at least three, it would be easier, but I don't think it would be better. 

After putting it off for about a week longer than I should, I decided today had to be haircut day. I mean, look at these guys. That was not going to get any better. 

Unlike when it is time for a bath, they have not learned the signs for a haircut yet. So catching the first one is not that hard. After laying out garbage bags to catch all of the hair, I decided to do Sam first. 

He was unimpressed. 

Things were going ok until he got away.  That is Sam hiding. If he doesn't look at you, you can't see him.

Then it was this one's turn. Roscoe had seen what was happening to his brother and decided to hide right off the bat. If his bed is far enough behind a chair, you can't see him either. 

Although it is a pain to do, there is also this real sense of satisfaction to this.  You just turn that thing on and zip that hair off. 
Right up until you get the the legs. Legs are hard. They have way too many nooks and crannies to curve around. 

Oh and the dogs are seriously unhappy when that thing gets next to their boy parts. They do not trust me one little bit there.

And then there is the mess.  It gets everywhere. Up your nose, all over your clothes and under every piece of furniture.

But aren't they cute when it's done?  Ok, so I won't think about grooming as a new career. 

 At least it is sweater season, so no one can really tell.


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