Friday, November 4, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Today a story made me cry. I won't do the story justice, but I feel the need to share it. I wish that I knew that nothing like this would ever happen again. I'm heart broken to know that it will.

The first of September, fourteen pit bulls were rescued. They were found in a wooded area, chained to trees, with fires intentionally set around them.  There were other signs that this was an area used to train dogs for fighting and that the fires were set to cover up the operation.

Somehow there was not enough evidence to prevent returning all but two of the dogs to the owner.  Perhaps I am wrong, and I pray that I am, but my fury over this is almost overwhelming. The article about the return states that the authorities are monitoring the living situation of the returned dogs. I truly hope they are.

One of the dogs who was not returned was Jefferson. Isn't he handsome? Who wouldn't want him? He looks you straight in the eye. He knows what his place is in the world.

After a few weeks in the shelter, Jefferson became very sick. He had trouble breathing and tests revealed kidney failure. Initial diagnosis was incurable cancer. Jefferson stopped eating. He knew.

There was a major push to find Jefferson a foster home. The goal was to let him know the joy of a home and a couch and a loving family before it was too late.

Today it became clear that he didn't have that time, and Jefferson was put to sleep.

I never met Jefferson, but he touched me today. His story hurt my heart. Today he went to sleep surrounded by people from Birmingham Jefferson County Animal Control who had fallen in love with him. They had fostered him in his last days. In the end, he knew security and love.

Tonight I am grateful for those who open their hearts in these situations. I cannot fathom the heartbreak that they face on a daily basis.

Rest in peace, Jefferson. You were a good dog.

Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.  - Mark Twain

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